Community 9/14/2021

The Magento Open Source Community Alliance

Screenshot open source letter

The Magento store system has had an exciting history: After being taken over by eBay as a subsidiary, it later passed into the hands of Permira Funds, and was finally acquired in full by Adobe. Over the years, a strong community has developed around Magento, where people support each other and are happy to help out. Also because of this exceptional ecosystem, Magento has become a reliable and popular eCommerce platform with many developers believing strongly in it.

Over time, for example, countless integrations and extensions have been developed around Magento, making the store system more versatile and giving merchants plenty of options. Along with its strong community, this is one of the great strengths of Magento.

Magento is available in two versions: as a paid version called Adobe Commerce and as Magento Open Source without a license fee. However, exact plans as to where the journey of Magento Open Source is headed have not been specified by Adobe for quite some time and the community has become anxious about the possible changes. Therefore, some companies and individuals have joined forces and called on all members to join them in an open letter:
The community is now planning to create a fork for Magento Open Source in order to preserve and evolve this eCommerce platform in the long run. Among the signatures you will also find the names of several team members of integer_net. We wish this to be a joint effort with the support of the Magento Association and Adobe and hope that we can come to a solution that will satisfy everyone involved.

Our main goal is to maintain the Magento ecosystem, which makes Magento Open Source so unique, involving all affected developers, agencies and extension vendors. At the same time, even with ongoing development the compatibility should persist and the ecommerce platform should continue to be affordable for smaller merchants as well. This way we can secure the future of Magento Open Source and open up more possibilities for merchants and the community.

Everyone who would like to join us is welcome to sign the letter as well:

To the open letter