Collage with screenshots of the Butterfly webshop

Frontend & Hyvä 2/22/2021

Butterfly - integer_net's third Hyvä Launch

Picture of a screenshot of the Butterfly webshop

Butterfly is the world's leading supplier of table tennis equipment and apparel. They focus on high quality and cooperate with world-class players like Timo Boll. While the company is based in Japan, they run main offices in Japan, Korea and Germany.

Last week, we relaunched the two main websites on Hyvä:

integer_net has worked with the German office of Butterfly since 2018. At first, the object of our cooperation included maintaining and extending their existing Magento 1 shops. Later on, we started working on a relaunch with Magento 2.


One of the main goals of the relaunch was a high performance - that's why we chose Hyvä Themes as the frontend.

We can safely say that we achieved this goal:

Desktop Lighthouse Score on


Mobile Lighthouse Score on


The scores on other page types (product list, product detail page) are rated as high or even higher.

After switching to Hyvä Themes as a frontend, there was only one single optimiziation we did: we optimized and shrinked the images on the homepage which had a huge effect on the lighthouse score.

More Hyvä shops by integer_net

Butterfly is our third finished Hyvä implementation. Currently, we are working on several other projects with Hyvä Themes. More info on these will follow soon.

These are our two other finished Hyvä shops:



This B2B implementation is behind a login barrier, so unfortunately you won't be able to access it yourself. liNear sells engineering software to B2B clients. A B2C shop will follow soon which means you get a chance to test the lighthouse scores yourself.

The store of liNear doesn't have the most extraordinary design. The focus of the shop is selling fast and frictionless - we have even implemented a custom, simplified checkout, based on React.


This balloon printing shop includes a product designer and lots of colors. It is run by the NGO "Westeifel Werke", based in the west of Germany. We have been working for them for several years and have already build their previous Magento 1 shop. The relaunch on Magento 2 and Hyvä was started in 2020 and finished in 2021.

You can check out their stores at:

We didn't do any performance optimization on this Magento 2 installation yet.

A note on Hosting

All three shops are hosted on maxcluster, our preferred hosting partner. Even though Hyvä doesn't need more resources than a standard Magento shop (on the contrary!), it's important to have a reliant and fast hosting provider if you want to have high performance for your shop.

maxcluster logo

You want to start your own Hyvä project?

If you are looking for a technical partner to fulfill a project with a Hyvä Themes frontend, we are looking forward to hearing from you!