Community 4/22/2021

integer_net at #MAConnect: The benefits of Hyvä Themes

Soon one of the biggest events of the Magento community will take place again: The Magento Association Connect Conference 2021.

On 29th April 2021 from 07:30 PM to 08:00 PM CEST, Andreas von Studnitz will represent us with his talk "The Impact of Developer Happiness: Successful Projects with Hyvä" at the MAConnect.
The focus will be on introducing the features of Hyvä to decision-makers and developers who want to learn more about the different front-end options and their costs and benefits. Because developers want one thing above all else: an inspiring, working and therefore fun environment. To us Hyvä fulfills this wish, especially because it is pleasantly neat and makes the developers' work easier. As practical examples Andreas will show you Magento shops like Butterfly and die Ballondrucker which we have already successfully migrated to Hyvä.

Andreas' talk is one of many exciting presentations that will take place on 29th April. Check out the event page for a full list of talks and the option to register.

Andreas is one of our managing directors and has been working with Magento since 2008. He enjoys conducting regular trainings in which he explains complex topics with the aim that everyone understands and is able to participate.
More about our team.

Be part of the event!
29th April 2021
07:30 PM - 08:00 PM CEST

05:30 PM - 06:00 PM UTC

What makes Hyvä Themes special?

Magento has many strengths which we appreciate as a Magento agency and have convinced us of its quality. For example Magento shops can be customised and the possibility of a multistore system facilitates the operation of international shops. However the frontend is its Achilles' heel: Its complexity entails a high number of working hours and is tiring for developers in the long run.
That is why our colleague Willem Wigman has developed a solution: Hyvä Themes. Hyvä is one thing above all: fast. Not only in its performance but also in its development time. Hyvä thus demonstrates both a strong end-customer and developer orientation. As a technical partner we are now gradually using Hyvä in our projects and participating in its further development.
Learn more about Hyvä

About the MAConnect and its magic

On 29th April 2021 from 03:45 PM CEST at the Magento Association Connect Conference 2021 we can do once more what the community does best:
Joyfully talk about Magento and new innovations, make new friends and strengthen old friendships.
Last year over 1000 participants from almost 20 countries attended the first online meeting. This year you can expect speakers from 4 different continents. Among them are system integrators, project managers and experts from Adobe. In total there will be around 5 hours of various presentations, lectures, discussion panels and one-on-one meetings. All this from the comfort and safety of your office or home. Participation is free via Hopin.


In a nutshell:

Date:  Thursday, 29th April 2021

Time:  03:45 PM - 08:30 PM CEST /
            01:45 PM - 06:30 PM UTC

Place:  Online-Event via Hopin

What do you think?

We look forward to seeing you again at MAConnect and to discovering one or two new faces! Which lecture are you eagerly awaiting? Feel free to write us in the comments what you are excited about. Questions about Magento and Hyvä are of course always welcome as well.